What is Jin Shin Jyutsu®?
What are the best uses of Jin Shin Jyutsu?
How can it help with more serious diseases and conditions?
Are there any side effects to practicing this at home?
Why is Jin Shin Jyutsu so popular?
Is Jin Shin Jyutsu something that people can learn to do at home...a self healing method?
Hor how long do I need to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu in order to notice a result?
Can you suggest simple practices/ exercises that people can do at home to help with common complaints like stomach issues or tiredness and nervousness?
In perusing and availing yourself of any and all offerings on this site, you agree and acknowledge that you have sought out Health Is in Your Hands™ – Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help entirely at your own risk; and that Health Is in Your Hands™ – Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help in no way substitutes for the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional, whom you should consult regarding any specific needs or any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical treatment, and prior to beginning or interrupting any course of (medical) treatment, exercise routine or diet. See Terms of Use for full Disclaimer. |